Events and Shooting Activities Open to the Public:

FOR General Information about the Club,
please contact Mark Lowe (see contact page) or please contact the people who chair the activity committee. See our Contact List page or the Activity page for details.

Our activities and events are open to members, their guests, and the public. Any event that is not public will be listed as such.

We host a Social Meeting on the second Monday of the month 6:30 pm starting in February.

Our Business Meetings are now in-person the third Monday of every month begins at 7pm. All are welcome!  Please check schedule. New members: bring your application with a check and sponsor to join!


Our Archery Ranges are ready and open.  We will post activities on the Archery page.

If have any questions call Joe at 207 272-4389.


The Indoor Range to the Public will offer events and regular times; please stay tuned for further details and dates. For information about Youth Activities and Youth Archery, please contact George Spino or check the Indoor Page and Posts.

We look forward to seeing you, and hope you will bring young folks with you to enjoy the fun. (no fire arms permitted: airgun and archery ONLY.) We will have a few members on hand to facilitate and keep activities fun and safe for all. Please contact George Spino for inquiries about Indoor Youth Archery at

Please check our calendar and the various activities pages for more details about time, protocols, cost if any, etc.

Safety and range rules are always in effect and enforced. Please cooperate with the members running any event, ROS’s and other Club coordinators to ensure a safe and pleasant shooting experience for all.

Shooters and guests are required to sign log book as matter of safety. We thank you for your participation and cooperation. Our main objective is to provide community, access to our ranges, events, activities, and share and enjoyable season ahead with you.