Falling Plate Shoots are pistol events, where participants knock over steel plates on the racks shown below. These events are on upper pistol range.
Please arrive at the range with ALL FIREARMS UNLOADED and FIREARMS & AMMO PACKED IN SEPARATE CONTAINERS. Then await instructions from the Range Safety Officer (R.S.O), prior to handling your firearms or ammo.
Check Club Calendar for Falling Plate Shoot Dates & start times! (Falling Plate shoots MAY BE CANCELED WITHOUT NOTICE in the case of inclement weather or cold temperatures). Matches start after the safety briefing & last until the final shooter completes the match.
The cost is $10.00 per gun for non-members and $5.00 per gun for members. We emphasize firearms safety and precede each match with a reminder talk/demonstration. Check Club Calendar for event start times & arrive early enough to register (we try to have the gate open 1/2 Hr. before event start times). You will need at least 96 rounds of ammunition for each match entry.
You can choose to shoot 4 times all at 10 yards, or once at four distances: 10 yds., 15 yds., 20 yds., and 25 yds., in that order. There are 24 plates to shoot at each distance.
There are reloads required after every six shots, so you need: four magazines for semi-automatics, or four speed-loaders/moon clips (for revolvers).
It is a speed and accuracy challenge, with a timer starting the shooter and timing the shots. Each missed plate costs the shooter 3 seconds. Low scores are the goal. Every registered shooter fires the 24 round stage 4 times. You may enter twice if desired, for a total of 8 runs & 192 plates (then you will need to bring 192 rounds of ammo & pay two entry fees). We encourage Non-Club members to join in, where this event is “open to the public”.
1. NEVER cover people with your weapon when handling (Regardless of weapon state be aware of your muzzle & keep it pointed in a safe direction at all times).
2. Absolutely NO loaded firearms, unless standing at the firing line & instructed to load by the R.S.O.
3. Keep finger(s) out of the trigger guard until completely up on target & ready to shoot.
4. Keep finger(s) out of the trigger guard when holstering, drawing from holster & during all reloads.
5. Wear eye and ear protection at all times on the range.
6. All weapon safeties must be engaged when holstering or drawing (including “decocker” safety devices).
7. No handling of firearms anywhere but the safe table, or at the firing line when instructed by R.S.O.
8. No ammo at the safe table (including loose ammo in pockets or loaded mags on your person).
9. If you aren’t using a holster, transport your gun in a case, with a chamber flag installed & no ammo in the case or gun.
10. All ammo used should be straight walled, Non-Magnum pistol calibers only. Pistol caliber carbines (PCC) are now permitted in these events. PCCs must be transported to and from the firing line with chamber flags installed.
When it is your turn to shoot:
1. approach the firing line and wait patiently. The R.S.O. will announce that the range is “Going Hot” & will instruct you to load and make ready.
2. Draw your gun, with fingers out of the trigger guard, load your gun & engage any safeties the weapon has. (For firearms equipped with a “de-cocker”, “de-cocking” the weapon IS required prior to holstering).
3. Re-holster your gun & assume the surrender position (wrists above your shoulders). The R.S.O. will then say “shooter ready?…stand by” & start the timer. An audible beep from the timer will signal when to draw & begin firing.
4. Draw your gun; be careful not to put your finger in the trigger guard, or disengage any safeties until “up on target”.
5. Shoot six plates; only go as fast as you safely can, being mindful to keep your muzzle pointed down range at the target area at all times.
6. When you shoot the gun empty (after 6 rounds), remove your finger from the trigger guard & with muzzle pointed at target area reload your gun.
7. At this point you may continue shooting plates (Steps 5 thru 7 are repeated 4 times per run).
8. When you have shot all 24 rounds, drop your mag or swing revolver wheel out, to show the R.S.O the gun is empty. You & the R.S.O will inspect that: the mag well & chamber of semi autos are empty, or that the wheel of a revolver is empty. The R.S.O. will verbally announce “Clear” or “The gun is clear”.
9. Before re-holstering the empty gun, the shooter will point the gun back at the target area & pull the trigger, or
“de-cock” the gun. (Revolvers are exempt from this step, so long as the hammer is down.)
10. The R.S.O. will instruct the shooter to holster the gun & will announce “the range is safe”
Scoring: The total score for a run will be the shooters raw time plus 3 seconds for each missed plate.
There are no prizes awarded, other than the satisfaction of making some smoke & lots of noise.
Each year, normally in September, we hold the Dave Schneider Memorial Championship, in memory of one of our past expert shooters. This event draws lots of entries and families, since we have a lunch time meal on the range & have awards at the conclusion of the match. Check the Club calendar for all scheduled event dates & times.